Sunday 26 August 2012

DBA 3.0, test game number two

Using the same field as game one, the deployment area moved clockwise a quarter turn. Both Bavaria and Austria had terrain to anchor a flank while the open side was covered by the knights of both sides. The deployment of the infantry remained unchanged with the artillery taking a flanking position to support their respective infantry line.   

The Bavarian nobles deployed across the ploughland risking an inconvenience; if the ground proved worse than expected, at least mounted and foot would “move as a wall”.

This game, the Bavarians had opening move and the ground proved good going (yodeling could be heard in the back ranks).

Photo two shows the positions after bound the second bound. The Bavarian nobles attempt to turn the Austrian left, while the infantry group would plod forward . The crossbow and Handgunners moved out of the enclosure to extend the battle line.

The Austrians were able to push their infantry forward leaving the artillery a clear shot at the hand gunners. The Austrian knights closed to combat and for the most part were able to  push the Bavarians back. In Photo Three, the Austrian gunners congratulate themselves by sending the Handgunners home.

For the next three bounds, Fortuna smiled on the Bavarians. The artillery managed to destroy an element of knights, crossbows stopped dead the Coustilliers of Austria and the following bound Austrian crossbowmen fell to a pike assault. 3-0 for Bavaria.

During this time, the pike blocks were evenly matched, while the knights of both sides showed the latest dance steps; one forward, one back.

With a six for pips, the Bavarians smelled victory and moved as many units to join battle or seal of escape routes. An Austrian knight sent back double their number of mounted troops, while after a valiant effort, the Bavarian pike block fell bringing interim score 3-2. The last melee for the bound found the Austrian artillery skewered by a sole Bavarian pike. End game 4-2.



Both games were fought on the standard 60x60cm game board. With the increased movement, the smaller playing surface did not seem to hamper play at all. If anything, it prompted the use of reserves.

Artillery are present in most Late Medieval armies, but as an option in place of an element of Ps. I am still debating over its usefulness with respect to an element of “fast” troops. The Bavarians were extremely lucky destroying an element of knights, but is it realistic to expect that every game?

An infantry battle line with a mix of pike, blade and crossbow is very effective at sealing off parts of the battlefield. A flank comprising solely of knights will after two bounds open a lot of opportunity for “reserve” units.

This game, the crossbows avoided the misstep of the last game; by moving only 1BW to shoot that bound.

The coming week I shall dedicate to refurbishing hills (gentle and steep) and woods, so further testing will be played with them. Austrians versus Swiss and Late Hungarians. 

Saturday 25 August 2012

Testing DBA 3.0

The armies of Bavaria-Ingolstadt met the Imperial forces near the hamlet of Birkendorf. The Imperial forces were hampered by the enclosed fields and the hamlet, but deployed their pike and crossbow flanked by knights. Further extending the flanks were feudal lords (Kn) and Coustilliers (Cv).

The Bavarians mirrored the Austrian deployment, but extended their pike frontage backed by blades.


Photo one shows both sides deployed for battle. Displaying no form of finesse, both lines moved as solid walls toward each other. The crash of steel on steel and the cracking of pike on breastplate delivered up in quick succession a knight and crossbow element. 2-0 for Bavaria.

At this moment, the flanking Austrian mounted forces moved in, while the pike block engaged the Bavarian pike. The cavalry of both sides found themselves engaged in isolated combat while the centers struggled on. During this bound, the Austrians evened the score 2-2. The loss of a pike element brought the Austrian pike block in contact with the supporting blade. As though drawn by a magnet, the isolated engagements by the knights were moving closer toward the infantry battle.

The decisive stroke taken by the Austrian was to engage their general. Launching the Hang gunners in the direction of the Bavarian artillery, both generals were now locked in battle. It seemed only a matter of time before recoiling knights would be crushed with no more room to maneuver. 3-2 for Austria.
It was now a soldier’s battle. Only the artillery remained spectators while the mounted crossbow and Coustilliers were pulling faces, everything else was locked in combat and all knightly combat recoiled closer toward certain doom. The Bavarian blade held against the Austrian pike giving time for support troops to encircle them. This was decisive as the loss of the pike block ended the game, 4-3 for Bavaria.



I enjoyed the subtle changes made. The differences between Bad Going and Rough Going were nice, but will need practice in placing them on the game board.

The BUA modifications are an improvement as I have now an excuse to “pretty up” the terrain pieces.

The camps were improvised as the tentage was taken from my SYW collection. Camp followers have been ordered and these will become my next project when the Late Hungarians are done.

If the Bavarian deployment seemed cramped, this was done in anticipation of the plough field being a problem. It was not.

In some cases the choice of recoil, base depth or 1 BW was critical for the knights.

Friday 24 August 2012

Storm within the Empire, a game set in the 15th century.

This month, the DBA Agora blog will make room for my 15th century campaign set in Southern German. During the past few months, I have documented the growth of my Medieval German army collection while at the Fanaticus Forum I have posted my thoughts about operating a campaign “similar” to the Game of Thrones series. Here, rival houses position themselves in the long struggle to become Emperor.

As with any campaign project, I found it advisable to start small and focus on a singular event in German history. This was provided by King Ludwig of Bavaria, who split the kingdom among his sons thus creating the duchies of Bavaria-Munich, Bavaria-Ingolstadt, Bavaria-Straubing, and Bavaria-Landshut. After a century of feuding, the kingdom of Bavaria was finally restored to its former size as we know it today. The century of struggle all the elements for an ideal game of thrones.

Campaign objectives 

I selected the DBA campaign system for this as it is well known here, but made modifications to time and map scale. Expanding the seasons to reflect movement activity by month this would open the use of less played scenarios. The call up of field armies for a number of months would heighten a sense of urgency before the oncoming winter season. Not only the length of play has been extended, but each region now displays an increase in the number of movement nodes .

 With the increase in scale, we can explore scenarios that would reflect challenging day to day struggle in place of battles leading to territorial conquest. Prestige Points would still reflect the measure of a House’s success, but these can now be accumulated by activity from channels other than military.  

Below, I have listed an index of topics to be covered in future postings. The research presented a myriad of ideas for scenarios which can be played out within the format of the campaign. Where applicable, modifications to the campaign will also be listed.


The story begins during the Spring of 1400 AD in the former Kingdom of Bavaria. For the sake of simplicity, the individual Houses will use the region’s title House of Ingolstadt, Landshut, Straubing and Munich. The countryside is showing renewed activity after a winter-sleep, farmers prepare their fields for seeding, roads are clear so commerce may course its way from city to city and plans within plans that were made during the Winter season can now be launched.


Index - Storm within the Empire

Updated:  12-09-2024

Project Rome - post 2nd Punic War

The Consular army First Legion done, the Allied Legions, in battle array
Timeline Hispania part one, part two
The Spanish the Iberians, the Celtiberian and Lusitanian armies, in battle array.
Campaign Rule Set  the Maps, the campaign system
Quick Play Campaign  testing the (revised) campaign, Sasan 459 AD, Eutropius 398 AD
Quick Play Campaign  uploaded to DBA Wiki   
Stratagems the Ambush, Rapid Deployment, Flank March, Choosing the Battlefield,
Optional rules Uneven sides, An assessmentInsubordination,

Historical Match ups
The Consular Army vs. Numidia, Numidia (pt.2), the Iberian, Lusitania, Lusitania (pt.2), Celtiberia, Celtiberia (pt.2), Gallic, Gallic (pt.2), Seleucid, Cimbri-Teutones,

Armies and Enemies of Early Imperial Rome (New)

Late Judaean refurbished
Commagene refurbished
The Batavian Revolt Battle Array, 
Jewish Revolt
Early Germans Refurbishment
Sarmatians Blue Moon cavalry
Ancient British Blue Moon figures
Historical Match ups
Roman Tour:
Roman Tour (24 elements)
Collision Course: the basics & test

Armies and Enemies of Rome, the Severan Dynasty (Eastern).

Rome: the Legions, the Auxilia, the Cavalry, the Artillery and Bowmen, Indigenous troops, the Generals and Battle Array, the Order of Battle.
Arabo-Aramean: Kingdom of Hatra, Kingdom of Adiabene
Pre-Islamic Arab: the Research, the Miniatures, two commands completed.
Parthia: the Miniatures, in Battle Array
Armenia: the Research, the Miniatures, Armies in battle array
Sassan: the Research, the Cataphractthe Elephant Corps, the Levy, the Asavaran cavalry, Nomad Horse Archers, in Battle Array
Armies of the Caucusus: Colchis/Lazika, Iberia, Albania
Sarmatia the Collection
Tervingi: the Tervingi
Alan: the Alani
Palmyra, 2nd century - a speculative list
Meroitic Kushite Background, Conversions, the Miniatures, Meroitic Kush and Noba

Armies and Enemies of Rome, the Severan Dynasty (Western).

Rome: the Legions, the Auxilia, the Cavalry, the Artillery and Bowmen, the Generals and Battle Array, Order of Battle.
Early Germans  the Marcomanni,
Northwest Frontier  PictsCaledonian, Britain (late 2nd c. rebellion)
Dacia  the Carpi
Africa  Later Moors

Campaigns - Migration to Kingdom
Introduction,  407 AD, 408 AD, 409 AD, Franks and German Confederation, Battle of Calama, Bonifacius and Vandal Threat, Maximus the Usurper
Invasion of Hispania 409 AD. Timeline, 409 - 419 AD, 420 - 429 AD, Assessment
Roman Britain 410 AD, Campaign, An assessment
Kingdom of Francia, Merovingian Franks, Timeline, Armorica, Avars, Aegidius confronts Armorica

Under the Black Banner, (the Caliphate)

Introduction, Christian Nubian, Muslim North Africa, Tulunid Egyptian, Umayyad, Abbasid, Arab Indian, Baghdad Buyid, Nobades, Samanid,

Historical Match Ups

Scenarios: Battle of Zab River, the analysis, the battle

Refurbishing the Arab Collection

Dark Ages

Historical Scenarios

Notations (technical and tactical tips)

DBA Terrain by Category

Introduction, Arable, Forest, Hilly, Steppe, Dry, Tropical, Littoral, Scatter Material, Celtic Village, Hellenistic Camp, Early Roman camp, Medieval Hamlet, East European Hamlet, Waterways
Refurbishing the Terrain
Terrain mat, the larger mat, the final terrain mat, Tropical foliage

Biblical Era (3000 BC - 1500 BC)

Historical Match Ups

Enlarging the Single Command to 24 elements.

Background Research

Historical Scenarios

Collision Course

DBA Fantasy

Sunday 19 August 2012

The Late Hungarians

With the allies completed, I now have two DBA sized armies to do and so I split the task into two sessions; one of infantry and the last, all the cavalry.  

As you may note from the list below, the infantry are balanced between core troop types and skirmishers. With enough figures for all the options, I started painting this morning. Photo one, shows the results before lunch.

At lunch time, the weather became “tropical” that further painting would have to wait until the evening.  

Photo two shows the final results and the minis are now ready for varnishing. These will dry overnight and tomorrow, if the weather remains cool, I can clean and undercoat all the 36 cavalry; knights, lesser nobles and skirmishers, mostly Cumans.  

IV/43c Late Hungarian 1397-1526 AD:

1 x General (3Kn)
2 x Hungarian nobles (3Kn)
3 x Cumans, Jazyges, Ruthenians, Szekelers or Tartars (LH)
1 x Crossbowmen  (4Cb)
1 x Armati (Bd) or spearmen (Sp) or Ribauds (5Wb)
2 x Croatian, Transylvanian archers (2Ps) or (3Bw)
2 x German or Bohemian Handgunners (Ps) or War wagons (WWg)

The Ribauds will be taken from the pool of peasants which were completed last week. The only item lacking are the war wagons. These are not a high priority, as the Hungarians will enter the campaign at a later date and secondly, wagons will not take long to paint up. 


Friday 17 August 2012

Allies for the Hungarians

The photo shows an interim stage of painting. I lack the highlighting on all the figures as well as belting and harnesses for mounted.  My Hungarians are planned to have three commands totaling 36 elements of which one command will represent allies. According to the DBA army lists, these can also be Wallachian.

IV/65 Wallachian 1330 – 1504 AD:

1 x General (3Cv)
3 x Lesser Boyars (LH)
2 x Archers (3Bw)
5 x Crossbow, handgun (Ps)
1 x Rustici (5Wb) 

I use Legio Heroica for both allies and the Hungarians were taken from the Ottoman, Burgundian and Swiss listings. The appearance for the allies will need some modification and this can be easily remedied with Green Stuff. Fur caps and feathers should give them the necessary look, however, I will not claim that these are 100% Wallachian. There were a myriad of groupings living within the territories South of the Hungarian plains.

These have a rustic look using earth tones and some blue. I will complete painting these tomorrow afternoon, but will make Green Stuff additions when the Hungarians are finished. All the Hungarian foot have been cleaned and undercoated.  

My good DBA comrade Jiri from Switzerland has supplied me with some excellent information covering the Hungarians of this century. Thanks again. 


Saturday 11 August 2012


The peasants, for our campaign purpose, are deployed for scenarios involving civil unrest among the Barons, raids and whatever else I can think of. These were bought a month ago, with my last purchase of Legio Heroica. Now that all six are complete, I wanted to add these to the army list.

Photo one, was taken yesterday. The figures lacked detailing and highlight and on the whole I was pleased with the colour combinations. I have done lots of peasants for 10th and 11 century medieval armies and was for the most part clothed in unbleached linen or wool of natural colour. 14th and 15th century illuminations show farmers with a greater range of colour, perhaps artistic license, but we do see red, blue and green dominate. Using these three colours, I worked with lighter shades to increase variety among the horde.

The monks are Essex and will be based among the horde. While researching the different orders, I decided to have some novices (grey) and the rest as Benedictine monks (brown). I did work with shades to render an impression of new and faded clothing.

Photo two, was taken prior to lunch. Figures are done and will be varnished shortly. The two wagons from Essex. I will order more equipment and wagons, but will place this on Museum Miniatures. They have female peasants armed with improvised weapons and a good selection of barrels and boxes. All together, these will look nice as camps for either army. Extra peasants will be based as camp followers as per DBA.

Next week, the Agora blog shall have a face-lift. This shall remain my central point for selling DBA and HOTT armies, but will also host the new medieval campaign series – “Game of Thrones, German style.” (Working title)

Starting another blog specifically for the campaign did not appeal to me as I wanted to limit the number to this one and the 18th Century Sojourn.
