Sunday 14 July 2013

Prelude to Rovine (1395)

Previous tests of 3.0 have involved nothing more than single commands which gave little opportunity to test LH rear support. Using the big battle option perhaps those chances would be increased.

A breakdown of commands.
Hungarian left flank, 10 elements, Hungarian Central command 14 elements and Wallachians, 12 elements.

The Ottoman Central command had 15 elements, near right 8 elements and far right 13 elements.

Photo one show the terrain from the Wallachian and Hungarian perspective. To negate the superior numbers of Ottoman cavalry, the allies would rest both flanks on the woods. The ground between would be covered by infantry supported by Hungarian knights and Wallachian Boyars. The allied left flank found the remaining Hungarian knights and Cuman cavalry supported by skirmishers.

Faced with an allied army situated between two woods, the Ottomans would place the central command with all the infantry about the hamlet and fields and cavalry in reserve. The remaining two commands of Ottoman cavalry, Serbian knights and Akinjis would dedicate their efforts to rolling up the Hungarian left flank.

Photo two shows the position of Hungarian and Ottoman deployment.

Bound one: Both sides now followed their general strategy during the opening move. The Ottomans took advantage of good dice to advance their Akinjis beyond the woods (Photo three).

Bound two, saw the allied infantry move forward. The Wallachians with their less impeded infantry advanced further giving the overall Hungarian Wallachian battle line an oblique appearance. In response, the Ottoman central command extended their left and exchanged volleys with the Wallachian archers. With excellent die rolls, the Akinjis were able to negotiate the woods and deploy on the exposed Hungarian flank. The smaller Ottoman command struck the infantry line bringing down two Crossbow elements.

Bound three, the Wallachians reformed their bowmen to launch a devastating volley which evened the tally. Infantry spear seeing their crossbow cut down fell on the Akinjis front and flank to give the allies their first lead. Undeterred with poor pip throws, the Ottomans were able to close combat; the Akinjis on the extreme right flank closed with the Hungarian skirmishers and the remainder of the Ottoman cavalry charged the Cuman light horse pushing them back. 5 – 3 for Ottomans.

Bound four, the Hungarian left under extreme pressure from Ottoman cavalry, Serbian knights and Akinjis were attempting patch work measures. Knights and Cuman light horse were dispatched to deal with the Akinjis encirclement. To help bolster the recoiling Cuman lights, the General and guard through themselves into the fight. The Hungarian infantry reformed and surged forward creating maneuver room for supporting Hungarian knights and Cuman horse. The Wallachians redressed their line and with concerted effort eliminated the last of the Ottoman bowmen. Despite the loose of the Serbian knights, the Ottomans held their lead. 6 – 5.

Fortuna smiled again for the Ottomans a supplied better than average pip scores. The Ottoman cavalry and Serbian knights formed line under the central command; Ottoman skirmishers were readied to support a cavalry charge against the Hungarian and Wallachian infantry line. Further to the right, the smaller command occupied the spearmen denuding the main infantry line of their support. Ottoman Sipahi opened a gap further by pushing back Cuman light horse. On the extreme left, the Akinjis cut the last of the Hungarian skirmishers down. The ploughed fields to their left were soaked with the bodies of more Cuman lights while both Generals were desperately fighting in close proximity of one another. Among the furrows of ploughed earth one stallion stumbled bringing its rider down and Sipahi ax and mace finished off the Hungarian wing commander. 9 – 5 for the Ottoman and one Hungarian command demoralized.

Bound five, found the central Hungarian command forming a cavalry line in anticipation of an Ottoman assault from that sector. The Hungarian left, although demoralized might still delay the expected assault. The Wallachians discomforted by the news on the far left could bring no effect with their archery.

Smelling victory nearby, the Ottomans assailed the Hungarian and Wallachian line with all three commands. On the far right, the slaughter continued unabated while the smaller Ottoman command fenced with the Hungarian spearmen, managing to have them recoil. Charging across the fields, the Sipahi and Serbian knights, this brought the Ottoman CinC to a near death experience and delivered the first Wallachian casualties.
Score 14 – 5 for the Ottomans.

Bound six and to the finish line. Good pip throws, however, with few reserves the Hungarians and Wallachians could do little. The Ottoman central command was two elements short of becoming crippled. Refusing to rout off the field, the Hungarians of the far left remained defiant. The central command redressed their line. The spearmen were able to push back the Ottoman cavalry. Further, Hungarian blade made red the fields with Sipahi corpses. Triumph was only one element away.

Up to now all my games with the Ottomans were with single commands. This match was a departure. Having more space to maneuver, the LH rear support proved very useful, not so much for killing the opposition outright but bringing about timely recoil.
The game flowed nicely as there were no more delayed moments making intricate maneuvers or flank charges. It has taken me longer to write up the report than playing the actual game.

Ah yes, the victor. Both Hungarian blades were in the thick of it. One wielding death and destruction on the Sipahi bringing the Ottoman central command one element away from demoralization. The irony came with the second Hungarian blade falling to the Sipahi next in line to demoralize the Hungarian central command and game won.

Ottoman 5 – Hungarian 16. 


Wednesday 10 July 2013

Wallachia – completed

Actually, the Wallachian command were painted and based late last year, however one final touch remained lacking, the headgear. 

The figures came from the Ottoman list of Legio Heroica. Beautiful figures but they lacked the proper headgear to be proper Wallachians. Today, I added Cuman styled caps and fur head pieces to complete the Wallachian cavalry and infantry plus Cuman light horse for the Hungarians.

Photo one show the Wallachian figures (foreground) completed late last year. Most have peasant style caps and cavalry, a fez or no headgear at all.

Illustration two was sent to me by a Fanatici (Jiri) from Switzerland which I used as a guide.

Photo three shows the number treated with Milliput and photo four are the completed Wallachian. In the background are the Cuman cavalry of the Late Hungarian army.

Now complete, the Wallachian and Late Hungarian armies are ready to battle the Ottomans. Next post, a big battle engagement using DBA 3.0

Cheers, .