Thursday 30 July 2020

Refurbishing the Late Medieval collection (new project).

Back in 2012 I began actively collecting a number of high medieval or renaissance armies and those postings can be found by clicking on the Index scrolling down to the year 1400. Unfortunately, DBA 2.0 and 2.2 did not work well leading to a collapse in interest for the period. The collection was subsequently sold as many other ancient armies.

Playtesting DBA 3 three years later did rekindle my interest for the ancient period, but less so for the later medieval era. Introduced to the Witcher series of books, that opinion changed as I could visualise doing the campaigns between Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms. Pursuing the idea further I bought figures for the period, developed a set of campaign rules, designed maps and playtested. Unfortunately club members had not a clue what the Witcher was about, so the project was shelved. 

Two examples, Redania

Having completed the refurbishment of the Arab armies and further the conversion of the Colonial Sudanese more Muslim armies I began looking at other possible projects within the collection.

It was during this time I had viewed a 10-part presentation of the Italian Wars on the internet. This was interesting as all the participants in the war I could assemble from the dormant collection. Looking at the clothing colours, all were generic and could pass for any Western European army. Excluding the elves and dwarves I had 155 elements to play with, but now a decision had to be made, which armies? 

Next post, the solution.  

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