Wednesday 27 September 2017

Historical Matches – Abbasid vs. Arab Indian

Following the Abbasid overthrow of the Umayyad Caliphate in 750 AD, the Sindh became independent. The Sindh foiled two invasions by the Abbasid in 769 and 785 AD. Between the invasions, the Abbasid launched a number of naval sorties along the coast of Sindh.

At its core, the Sindh army retained something of its former organization with auxiliaries supplied by Hindu troops. The Arab Indian has ‘tropical’ as their home terrain and it is in this terrain that all three battles will take place.

Game 1
Wood flanking their left, the Arab Indian deploy in two lines with their cavalry formed in the second. Light troops have secured the wood and from this position they will harass the Abbasid right. The Abbasid have formed an extended line with their cavalry taking a position on the open left flank.

The Abbasid bring their cavalry into action on the left forcing the Arab Indian to contract their line. Abbasid spear advance steadily while the light troops of both sides are now actively engaged on the right. Casualties are light on both sides (1 – 1) as the battle progresses in earnest.  

The Abbasid advance now becomes fragmented as Arab resistance stiffens and isolated battles now take the place of formed lines. Fighting from interior lines, the Arab Indian rapidly set reserve cavalry into action; these shift the battle in their favour. Score 4 – 2 for the Arab Indian.

Game 2
Using a wood and river to protect their left flank, the Abbasid deploy in a standard formation with all their heavy cavalry in reserve behind the infantry spear and archers. The Arab Indian adapts a similar formation with their heavy cavalry supporting their left and right wing.

With archers deployed in each battle line, the advance becomes slow and steady.

Arab Indian archery has a devastating effect as they bring down the entire Abbasid bow. This sets a critical moment for the Abbasid as casualties mount faster than they can develop their battle.

Desperate charges by the Abbasid had little effect than deliver more opportunity for the Arab Indian. Calling for a general retreat the Abbasid left the field. Score 5 – 1 for the Arab Indian.

Game 3
The open ground between river and wood offered minimal room to deploy effectively and so the Abbasid deployed a light skirmishing force on the right bank to harass the Arab Indian approach.

The wood, situated on the Abbasid left become hotly contested with the Mutatawwiá fighting at 1 to 2 odds. The main battle lines approach slowly as both sides archers were trying to find their mark. The Abbasid troops on the opposite bank were having their intended effect as Arab Indian troops were sent to cover any intended crossing.

With their attention diverted the activity across the river, the Abbasid launched a coordinated attack by their spear and heavy cavalry. Arab Indian resistance crumbled as their archers were struck down leaving gaping holes and exposed flanks, ending the battle in a decisive victory for the Abbasid. Score 6 – 3 for the Abbasid.

III/38 Arab Indian 751 – 1206 AD

1 x 1 x General (Cv), 3 x Arab cavalry (Cv), 2 x Arab spearmen (Sp), 2 x Arab archers (3/4Bw), 2 x Hindu archers (3Bw), 1 x Hindu javelinmen (Ps), 1 x Hindu swordsmen (3Bd). 

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