Friday 24 May 2024

Late Medieval buldings

Re-organising the late medieval collection, I will add a few terrain pieces appropriate for the period. Enclosures were made earlier, requiring little time to complete, however, townhouses will require a few weeks at least. Newer models will replace the older models; construction will use the same material but will be covered with Milliput (white) suitable for detail work. This differs from the original buildings, being sculpted pressed foam board, then painted and based. Being all of equal height, they were based in pairs with simple vegetation and trees added to fill the gaps between structures. In the end, they were rarely used and most likely will be disposed of.   

The new structures will vary in height and covered with Milliput, this will allow windows, doors and timber supports to be sculpted. Applying the Milliput was a long process, longer than I anticipated, as the process was done in stages. Half of the building was covered, when allowed to dry, before finishing the entire surface. This avoided leaving finger prints or accidental impressions made while scoring the Milliput.

It was during this process I thought about salvaging the older buildings. These are fixed firmly to their bases and cutting close to the base as possible eight buildings were salvaged. Trimming the underside, the buildings varied in height improving their look. Rather than covering these with Milliput, I decided to save time, and repainted the timber supports, stone walls, doors and window to match the newer pieces. Roofs were added using embossed sheeting produced by Vollmer, available where trains sets are sold.

Pictured in foreground are the new buildings and the row to their rear, the restored older models. Before fixing them to bases, I will explore different combinations to maximise their use.  

Recommended Reading

Germany in the Later Middle Ages by F. Du Boulay (re. chapter about towns)

29-05-2024     Additional Medieval buildings

Two gatehouses, a tower and bridge were added to the project list. In the photo, the four pieces have been cut and shaped ready for an application of Milliput (white). Like the townhouses, the Milliput will be applied in stages. Doing so will necessitate extra time to complete but will avoid mistakes.

Thoroughly hardened, the structures are ready to be painted in a similar style, darker first coat, then highlighted a light shade. All structures are mostly finished stonework with the exception of the tower having an added floor.

At the moment, there are no plans for a wall as this could represent a city’s growth beyond the old city. The pieces will remain unbased until I find ideal combinations to fit within a BUA size. 

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