Thursday 20 August 2020

Danish (Union) and Swedish army


The Swedes

The allmoge form the core of the Swedish infantry. A few livery can be seen, but the majority wear earth coloured clothing to signify their militia/yeomanry status. This meant leather items needed a bit more red or orange to be noticed. Mounted elements are better dressed and even horse were given a darker colour wash then later highlighted. Garish colours were avoided as these are reserved for the Condotta.

Flag designs were taken from armorials of the noble houses, cities and municipalities. Another useful option is to find illustrations of the battles that took place between the Danes and Swedes. 

The Danes

In contrast to the Swedes, the Union have uniforms of a sort. The infantry was split into two groups and painted with a red-white theme for the Danes and green-yellow for German mercenaries. Both groups have a mix of spearmen, bill and crossbow or skirmishers. During the last two decades of the 15th century, the pike would replace the spear and Landsknecht figures have arrived and will be painted soon.

Flags are for the most part red and white in a variety of shapes and sizes, only the commander carries the ‘Dannebrog’ flag. No early photos were taken so it is not possible to compare the change, but the photo below during the test games, but the photo below shows the effect that banners and flags have for a collection. 


  1. ...the late medieval armies seems to be all simple 12-element armies. For dark age you you often use 24-element armies. But anyway i like to watch the development of particular battles on your terrain scape,great work...
    I did just finished to read about you Caucasian project of sommer 2015. There you did create 3 armies in DBA stile. I think you are quite close to the facts. But there are justa few facts of the former Roman eastern border...

  2. Hello DBAjuri,

    The plan is to eventually build 24 element strong armies, but starting with the basic will help determine which need to be expanded.

    A double size French Ordonnance, Italian Condotta and Medieval German are planned, but I will do the Germans first before returning to the French and Italian.
