This project has taken longer than I expected. Nonetheless, painting a colour a day, has moved the project steadily forward to the finish line. I am pleased with the results and the last step is to base the figures. I should have 40 elements, clearly enough for three DBA-RRR armies, but which ones?

And that is the next step. I have some options as what I have now painted can easily represent the Imperial armies, from the 1500’s to the end of the century. In addition, the Minor German states would also have much the same composition. For any of these options to be complete for eventual sale, I would need to add Harquebusiers and an artillery piece, neither would pose a painting problem.
The photos show 32 Essex Landsknecht pikemen, 8 light horse with crossbow and 6 Generals and staff.

I have added an extra photo to show the extent of the colleciton. Originally, I planned 3 DBA-Renaissance armies, but with the additional shot and skirmish figures, I actually need 2 Light Horse with arguebus to offer a fourth army. Now the waiting game as these figures will come from England. The peculiarities of the Royal Mail system near Essex, require small parcels (value less that 30 GPD) should be brought at the end of the week. So during that time I can start looking at appropriate flags for these armies. I will have flags for, not only the generals, but for the knights, landsknecht pike, arguebus and artillery or 5 or 6 flags per army.
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