Sunday 2 December 2012

The Duchy (Bishopric) of Trento

Trento is located at the very most northern part of Italy; nestled between the fir covered slopes of the river Adige river valley all traffic southward bound from the Brenner Pass would quickly encounter the fortified walls of Trento. Situated on the border, Trento quickly became the playing field between Bavarian, Tirol and Verona during the centuries preceding our campaign.

Tirol’s claim strengthened when in 1363, Countess Magaret "Maultasch" offered her lands to the House of Hapsburg  It would take 62 years of defying Hapsburg threatened subjugation, appeals to the Holy Roman Emperor and a resort to arms, that Trento would be declared a commune.

Pre-15th century
Italy was the first to flex her urbanization and commercial muscle during the 11th through the 13th century. Trento was ideally placed to profit from commercial traffic moving between the Holy Roman Empire and the Italian peninsula.

From this period, Trento was under the rule of Count-Bishops which created divided loyalties. The ecclesiastical power required loyalty to Rome, while the Counts acceded their authority to German administration. A sign that the Counts were winning a point was the adoption in 1339, of the Eagle of St. Wenceslas was assigned to the city arms by St. Nicholas of Brno.

In the Campaign.
At the start of the campaign, the Counts of Tirol are escalating pressure to bring Trento in line, while Trento remains defiant. The composition for the forces of Trento follow the Italian Condotta list, which follows:

Duchy of Trento
IV/61 Italian Condotta 1320 – 1495 AD: (proposed for DBA 3.0)
1 x General (3Kn)
4 x Lanze spezzate elmeti (3Kn)
1 x Mounted crossbow (LH)
2 x Militia crossbow (4Cb) or (Ps)
2 x Militia pavisiers (4Sp) or mercenary pike (4Pk)
1 x Mercenary (4Cb) or galley crew (4Ax) or Swiss (3Bd) or Hungarians (LH)
1 x Archers (Ps) or Art.


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