Tuesday 17 July 2012

Late Swiss ready to varnish

The finishing touches to the Late Swiss are done, highlighting and white crosses, so now the figures are ready for varnishing. The crosses, which are not easily seen in the photo are positioned on an upper leg, shoulder or on the back of the figure. In some cases I painted a slightly larger cross with dark grey which gave the white cross better definition. Double work, but the effect is improved greatly.

Flags should be easy to paint, a black bull on yellow background for Uri and a small white cross on a red field for Schwyz. I am currently drawing the flags for the Bavarians and Austrians so I will add the Swiss flags to the sheet already started. I will add small pennons for some halberd and the artillery element as well.

Later this  week, I will clean and undercoat the remaining two commands of Austrians; 40 cavalry and the remaining pike, crossbow, Handgunners and artillery.


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