Tuesday 16 January 2024

Collision Course with double size command

Using a double size command with a single die for movement can prove daunting, more so when using the collision course variant. The following test was to see if two games could be played in an evening. The only change to the rule variant was an increase of the deployment zone. 3BW on either side of the centre line would be adequate for a column two elements wide by four deep.

Test game.

The vanguard of each army and the head of the second column are place (to the right, the French, left, the Feudal Spanish).

The Spanish third column appeared shortly thereafter. Waiting for the arrival of the rearguard, the French sent their cavalry to cover the deployment of the infantry.

Turn eight, a wayward French column arrives, but in that time, the Spanish have formed their battle line with flanks protected by difficult terrain.

Seeing the approach of French cavalry, the Spanish cavalry formed a line behind their skirmishers and crossbowmen. Elsewhere, the French pace their advance to come in lockstep with the cavalry on the left.

Note: three hours have passed (twelve turns) with no melees or shooting.

Both lines clash and fighting erupt across the entire front. On the Spanish right, the skirmishers sprint to the cover of nearby woods, allowing their cavalry to engage the French. The Spanish quickly gain the upper hand in the cavalry fight, pushing back their enemy onto their second line causing a heavy toll of French casualties. Resistance collapsed as the army’s left flank became exposed. The French called for a retreat to save what remained of the army. Feudal Spanish 8, West Franks 5.

Turn sixteen was a turning point for the French, the score an even at 3 – 3, suddenly collapsed as the French lost five elements. Total time from set up to end of game took a little over an hour.

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