Monday 12 November 2012

DBA 3.0 Battle: Hungarians and Wallachians

This was a slight detour from the usual medieval test of two similar formed armies. The Hungarians fielded equally as many knights as light horse and equal numbers of solid and fast foot types; in retrospect, a nicely balanced army. The Wallachians by contrast could match the Hungarians with light horse but the cavalry were somewhat outclassed. With the exception of two archer units, the majority of Wallachian foot were skirmishers.

As defenders, the Wallachians brought a maximum number of forest and a gentle hill to the board. Their deployment placed a majority of skirmishers on the left flank, while archers and light horse made use of the gentle hill on the right. The remaining cavalry were positioned in the center.

The Hungarians formed up in two wings. All the cavalry formed up in two lines on the left, while the infantry made a solid front of foot with skirmishers formed up on the right flank.

Both sides were plagued with poor die roll, so both armies placed their opening effort with their right flanks. Wallachian skirmishers supported by light horse seized the small woods outflanking the Hungarian knights. Bow fire had the effect of Hungarian knights recoiling. Nonetheless, the Hungarians for their effort were rewarded with a quick skirmish and first kill of the game. 1 – 0, Hungarians.

Bound three, the Wallachians took advantage and attacked the recoiling Hungarian knights while a small group of skirmishers attacked Hungarian crossbow at the other end of the valley. The Hungarians knights in their turn followed up the recoiling light horse, crossbow stood their ground to keep a steady fire on the skirmishers and both spear and billmen moved toward the waiting Wallachian cavalry. The Wallachian light horse succumbed to the knight’s pursuit. 2 – 0, Hungarians.

With a low pip score, the Wallachians could only reposition an element in anticipation of a counter attack, while archer fire had no effect. The Hungarians in response moved on the awaiting cavalry with the spearmen leading the assault. This set the Wallachian cavalry to recoil leaving the General exposed. Close, but no brass ring for the blade, the command element fell back in line.

 Bound five, the Wallachians needed to eliminate the immediate threat by the infantry to front before they could deal with the Hungarian knights. A renewed charge and one flank enveloped, the spearmen were eliminated, but the blade still held their ground.
2 – 1, Hungarians

By now, the Wallachians seemed to be stabilizing the battle line, so the Hungarians launched their reserve light horse to maneuver around the woods and seize the hill from behind. It was at this moment the Hungarian knights, led by their general charged forward to crush a lone archer element. 3 -1 to the Hungarians.

Bound six and despite a dismal die roll, the Wallachians pounded the billmen to dust and secured their point. The Hungarians on the other hand with their high die roll were presented with a laden buffet of choices. Together, the light horse and knights sealed off two Wallachian units. The archer unit remained slippery and beat back enemy cavalry to front and flank. The Wallachian light horse was not as fortunate. 4 – 2, Hungary.


This is certainly worth refighting as both sides were plagued with bad die rolls, which meant the light horse potential for long sweeping flank moves had to take a back bench to more urgent moves directed from the center position. This favoured the Hungarian knights and infantry.

Regarding terrain, I had overlooked the marsh as this is a better option to replace one of the larger woods. I will make this a mental note for next time.

The Hungarian infantry occupied the Wallachian cavalry long enough that the Hungarians could develop their battle around the flank. The march around the battle line to seize the hill behind the Wallachians was well timed. 


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